THC Facts 2017-2018

THC Facts 2017-2018

THC Facts
THC Facts

THC Facts 2017

As more jurisdictions decriminalize medical cannabis and make it legal for both recreational and medical use, there is a growing interest in THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the most recognized chemical compound in cannabis. It is a psychoactive compound that can produce mind-altering results. Here are some additional THC facts for 2017.

THC Resins Are Becoming More Popular

The introduction of portable vaporizers and other accessories have helped to increase the popularity of THC resins. These waxy concentrates are rich in THC and are used in a process known as dabbing in which the resins are dabbed onto a heating element. The vapor produced is inhaled for a more concentrated delivery of THC.

Some users claim that THC resins are also a more efficient and economical way of enjoying the benefits of the compound. There is less waste when oils and concentrates are used.

THC and the Brain

THC is a psychoactive cannabis compound. It has the ability to alter the chemical structure of the brain. THC binds to brain receptors that are related to pleasure. This, in turn, causes dopamine to flood the pleasure centers of the brain and create the “high” that THC is known for.

Highs from THC can be cerebral or physical. The cerebral high from some strains is more likely to yield psychoactive effects. These can even include mild hallucinogenic sensations (THC Facts).

No One Has Overdosed on THC

An incredible amount of marijuana would be required to produce an overdose. There are no records of anyone dying from the delivery of THC. The results of using too much cannabis can leave one in a stupor or induce long periods of sleep, but these are typically the most severe side effects.

Some believe that the relative safety of THC compared to opiates is responsible for the drop in opiate-related deaths in areas where medical use is legal. It should be noted, however, that the medical community still pursues the use of cannabis strains which reduce the levels of THC.

Projected Cannabis Revenues for 2017

It is estimated that between $5 and $6 billion in revenue will be generated by the cannabis industry in 2017. While a large amount of that revenue will be created by medical users who rely on the cannabis compound CBD, more individuals who crave the high of THC are visiting dispensaries in areas where recreational possession is legal.

Those who absorb THC through recreational cannabis use can find the compound in a variety of products. There are products which can be traditionally smoked as well as edibles. In the case of edibles, the release of THC can be more prolonged and effects can take longer to appear.

THC is Becoming More Socially Accepted

Cannabis consumption has long suffered a stigma that directly relates to THC. The 1936 film Reefer Madness was designed as propaganda to convince viewers that THC had detrimental effects on those who consumed it. In the modern era, THC studies have contributed to broader understanding of the compound.

Even though progress has been made, a large part of the population still regards cannabis and THC as a dangerous drug. Some go so far as to claim that it influences users to exercise poor judgments of character.


More than one million U.S. residents used medical marijuana in 2016, and those numbers are expected to increase in 2017. The primary difference between medical and recreational marijuana is its primary chemical composition. Marijuana strains tend to be higher in CBD, or cannabidiol, than THC. Cannabidiol is a compound that does not produce the high associated with THC.

Those who use cannabis (THC) in a recreational setting tend to prefer strains that are higher in THC because they appreciate the high. This high can be primarily felt in the body or in the brain depending on whether one chooses an indica or sativa strain. THC is prominent in almost all cannabis strains, although its volume varies widely.

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